What is Drama?

Drama in the classroom is activities that involve students' engagement to act and participate in a social collaborative context. It requires oral communication, social interchange, body language, and movement. It is a useful and effective manner to learn. 

 Drama gives students the chance to express their feelings and emotions and share them in a cooperative environment, helping others and encouraging all members to develop critically thinking and solving problems.

Drama allows students to take more responsibility for their own learning by putting the teacher in the role of a supporter in the learning process. In a perfect world, the teacher would have a smaller role in the language class and let the students explore the language exercises on their own. Every student in a student-centered classroom is a potential teacher for the group.

Drama can help students expand their imaginations when they are learning a second language. Students can move beyond the present moment and even 'walk in someone else's shoes.' It gives you the chance to think for yourself.


  1. The information in this part is really useful and more for those students who will want to know about drama and its use in EFL. I really like your blog . Well done

  2. Hi! I like your blog. It contains the necessary information about the drama in EFL classroom. Great job. Congratulations!


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