
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2021

Benefits of Using Drama in EFL Classrooms

·          The acquisition of meaningful, fluent interaction in the target language; ·          The assimilation of a whole range of pronunciation and prosodic features in a fully contextualized and interactional manner; ·          The fully contextualized acquisition of new vocabulary and structure;   ·          An improved sense of confidence in the student in his or her ability to learn the target language


Drama activities are extremely significant in the classroom because they allow kids to enjoy and enjoy the activities and school teachings, as well as work collectively and build self-confidence. Furthermore, theater in the classroom fosters creativity, inquiry, communication, empathy, and leadership among pupils. Due to the range of strategies used in drama, it is essential and useful in a number of areas. Types of drama activities Improvisation, role plays, mime, puppet plays, performance poetry, frozen image creation, skits, reader's theatre, simulation, and more are examples of drama activities that can be utilized as teaching tools, warm-ups, games, or formal tasks. 1. Dramatic and linguistic games Drama and language games are dramatic and linguistic activities that serve as warm-ups for subsequent activities, such as dramatic activities. This also serves as a warm-up for role-playing, improvisation, and other theatrical scenarios. Dramatic games are used as icebreakers, stim

What is Drama?

Drama in the classroom is activities that involve students' engagement to act and participate in a social collaborative context. It requires oral communication, social interchange, body language, and movement. It is a useful and effective manner to learn.   Drama gives students the chance to express their feelings and emotions and share them in a cooperative environment, helping others and encouraging all members to develop critically thinking and solving problems. Drama allows students to take more responsibility for their own learning by putting the teacher in the role of a supporter in the learning process. In a perfect world, the teacher would have a smaller role in the language class and let the students explore the language exercises on their own. Every student in a student-centered classroom is a potential teacher for the group. Drama can help students expand their imaginations when they are learning a second language. Students can move beyond the present moment and even